20th Century Man
Shalom. Let’s take a walk with The Holy Spirit tonight.
Today — as I was cleaning out a dresser drawer, I came across some old pictures and letters.
I remember these Words came to me one morning, back in 1985, when I jotted down this poem. (20th Century Man) [See below]. Funny the things we squirrel away and forget about. At the right time, The LORD brings it all back.
Now, 38 years later, I see it was a flashlight into the future — which is my “now”.
Prophecy is the artistry of The Holy Spirit — painting Himself, etching His Image into us, by learning to be His bride.
Lovingly God, releases Himself into us. He cant hardly contain Himself. He has been looking for a place to land — since Noah sent the doves (Genesis 8:11) out of the Arks’ window. He is looking for a Bride — a people to lavish Himself upon.
Learning to hear, doesn’t require words. It requires stillness of spirit. (Be still and know that I AM God — Psalm 46:10.)
It requires entering His Rest (Hebrews 4:1-11) Learn to hear in the stillness of time.
Eternity is hidden in plain sight. Eternity is hidden in stillness of wonder. Stillness is single-mindedness. Stillness of desire. God impregnates all He inhabits. He fills every empty space with His Glory.
If we would cease from our (flesh-mind) works, we enter His Rest.
Learn to hear when nothing is being said.
I hear God when He does not talk. (Though He speaks a lot!) I hear His Heart. We communicate a lot without words. It’s a knowing….
The way a new bride and groom speak with their eyes. The Holy Spirit says a lot — when He looks at me.
In fact, I feel Him looking at me now as I write this. I can’t explain it. But I recognize His Presence. He’s more real to me than you are.
I’ve learned more by just being in His Presence — than anything else. Just being with Him. In His Presence is the fullness of Joy!
Hearing the Eternal God whisper His wisdom — if we know how to listen — is enthralling.
Catching His Whispers is as natural as watching the Hummingbird dance around the window sill, looking for a drink. It’s rhythmic.
Tune out everything else and focus. Distractions abort the rhythm of The Holy Spirit’s Voice. Tune it all out — and focus on Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Father God.
In over 45 years of working — I’ve learned how to hear God when I’ve been on the job. One does everything in The Spirit of The Presence of God.
I actually worked better when I was God-focused, and not me (flesh) focused. There is a purity of exactness, intensity and excellence that will show up on the job — because God Himself is living, breathing and doing through you.
It’s so exciting, that doing anything in the flesh is just boring and dull and yuck. The Holy Spirit is a hard act to follow. Eternity’s creme-de-la-creme.
Living in The Spirit — It’s natural. It’s like breathing. We become One with the heartbeat of creation.
Man has complicated everything, so we need to become like children again, so we remember how to Breathe; Rest; Work; Play. In the rhythm of The Spirit, we breathe in, the Rest of God.
Too often we dismiss those sudden ‘nudges’ or ‘promptings’ or ‘words’ that swirl in our thoughts — as we go through our days.
Remember — the Master Painter and Architect — Designer of ALL Time, Beauty, Revelation, Understanding and Wisdom, has humbly chosen, to lay His Head on a small piece of real estate, inside of us.
He has chosen to live within a small body cavity, yet brought with him all of heavens riches, to journey to us.
Take time to draw and think out loud.
Picture Him writing His Glory through you.
You are His Canvass. Open up. Let Him out! Show the world Who your Father is! O God of Wonder!
20th Century Man
“Doesn’t it amaze you that 20th Century Man,
has entered in and taken part of God’s eternal plan,
Can she be brought forth in a moment, The LORD inspired Isaiah to say
Israel lives to testify, a country was re-born in a day.
Daniel’s oracle tells us,
The days are not that far away
That men will rise from their graves
Some to Everlasting glory,
Others — a damnable shame.
The living Messiah told us all we ever need to know
He said it would be like Noah’s day
Seed is planted…the fruit still grows
So — what is your decision Oh people, of this time,
The grapes are ripe for harvest, the fruit is off the vine.
The earth is ripe. The earth is full
She is pregnant with the seasons of her Lord.
Deliver to us O Zion, a morning child.
The whole cries out a labor pain. A push, a pull, she cannot understand
Something strange and wonderful us about to begin.
HAIL THE KING. THAT AWAITED NAME. The Lamb’s Book of Life. Will He find your name entered in?
And here’s a secret for 20th Century Man
I hear you like a mystery, now hear My Fathers Plan,
Not all of us will be asleep the day the Trump doth sound,
Quicker than a cameras flash, we will be glory bound.”
1985. Elizabeth (Mickel) Cassutto