4 Words for The United Kingdom Nations
I believe NOW is the time for the Wales to receive her spiritual inheritance.
Sons and daughters of the saints who worked the Sheep pens, who gleaned the fields, who traversed the lush hills of green, who braved the frosty night air and walked the brisk mornings overlooking the moors- are now to come into the warmth of the covering of their days of visitation.
Their days of visitation!
“Get ready for a Revival that will be marked for Glory.
The prayers of your ancestors are being answered now.
Go get your shovels; your wheelbarrows; your farming rakes. Your fields are overflowing with a harvest.
Glean your fields. Your time has come.
Don’t be afraid to get your hands full of dirt. As I wash those who come into The Church, with The Living Water and My Cleansing Word,I will fill your trough with earth-shakers of Glory for My Kingdom,”
saith The LORD.
“Now is the time!”
“The sound of the bagpipes is echoing in the heavens, as ancestors who toiled in pray, suffered in graceful endurance, and bended many an old and knobby knee to the faith-of-their-fathers, will soon rejoice.
I have a special affection for My Shepherds and sheep-herders, who well understand the need to protect that which cannot care for itself.
Scotland — you are a Sheep Nation — but also a sheepherder Nation.
I will send you those who need your seasoned wisdom and learned ways. Though your hands may be dry, your face may be weather-beaten by the elements, and there are those who do not know how lovely you are in My Eyes, to Me, you are still My Virginal Bride, beautiful in My Sight.
The Angels will mix the sound of bagpipes with the blowing of the Trumpets and shofars, and bells and cymbals are playing in the heavens for Scotland.
You have a name of honor in the skies, Scotland. Your season has arrived — now ready yourself to birth another revival-manchild for me”.
“Watch — for the Lion has roared. Who cannot hear the sound of God’s Authority over the Lion.
The LORD has not forgotten the centuries of faithful servants, prophets, priests, scribes, kings and soldiers of faith — who protected the Words of the Holy book, and who fought dragon nations to say, “Hear the Lion of Judah roar”.
The LORD is King over all the earth — and He will again roar for the soul of this nation.
Though a transgressor and illegitimate rule seems to conquer and divide the throne, The LORD says He will rule in the hearts of His own.
Listen, Judah will roar again. Britannia — you must be washed once more in Humility and Grace — and remember, you once ruled the oceans and ports, for I gave you favor when you honored the Son and His Word.
Remember your former glory. It was I who raised you up from nothing. Burn the midnight oil again in prayer, birth a stirring of intercession once more — and rise to be the watchmen you once were — to the nations.
Oh Britannia, be made strong again by embracing the words which are written on your walls, halls of learning, courts and gates.
Come back to me with all your heart, and I will cleanse you again in My Love.”
“Oh Ireland, land that welcomed my ancient saints, my first prophets and martyrs.
Land of emerald beauty, it was no accident David’s Harp was your mantle over your land.
By design I earmarked you to be a habitation of deep treasures, a hidden gem in a place of earth where no one would seek you out.
I have saved you for this hour. The faith-of-the-fathers us buried deep with your soil, the bones of my greatest saints are in your land, and they will rise to glory on the last day — when Gabriel blows My Shofar to awaken those who sleep in the dust.
How I have desired you Ireland. You are like a maiden, once rejected and unwanted — but so desired by your true suitor, a husband you can count on.
You have been a hidden place of refuge for My seasoned scribes and prophets.
Despite the bloodshed and wars the enemy marked you for and tried to destroy you with, My Hand was always on you, and still is.
You haven’t yet seen what I will do with you. I will raise up your ancient wells, and you will lead the nations by example — in your fearless faith you will not bow to the antichrist or his lying tongue which corrupts.
You will remain true to The Gospel, and bold witnesses will come out of you, defending the true Gospel till the end.
Your destiny is great in me, oh Ireland, and you will lead the nations in resisting the Antichrist — even until the end.”