Dance of the Ages: Christ and His Bride
Below is the Dream.
…. and what I sense as interpretation.
I awoke today, Christmas Eve 2022, with an inviting Dream. I saw a Royal Couple, regal, stately, in a huge Grand Ballroom.
I knew there were many important figures in the room, but I didn’t see them. Like a camera lens, my eyes zeroed in on the stately Couple, appeared to be about 70 years or so, on the Ballroom dance floor.
(The royal ‘regalness’ of them reminded me, of the late Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth, but it wasn’t them).
It was a huge Gala Event — a big Ballroom dance floor. A grand, stately, lavish affair.
The 6 foot man had a dark crush purple color tuxedo, with long tails on the tux, and cummerbund. The vest matched the tux, it was the richest color purple I ever saw.
The woman had a gorgeous velvet-forest-green gown on. Her floor length gown was unlike any color — like a living (emerald AAA) color — yet it was a rich forest green also.
They were dancing properly, stately — then she turned around and circled, and shook her derriere, looked over her shoulder to see if he saw her, and circled back to him.
They resumed their minuet dance (barely touching hands) — and proceeded to dance, in the style of a minuet.
That was the scene. Then I woke up!
2 Corinthians 11:2, Revelation 19:7-9, Revelation 21:9-11 all show us the love and desire of our Heavenly Bridegroom for His Bride.
In the Old Testament (Jeremiah 3:14-20, Ezekiel 16: 8-21), The LORD for example, shows His longing for His wife, Israel.
In the New Testament, The Holy Spirit shows us His redeeming passion (in The Cross), to pursue, develop and water His bride, feeding her His Word, watering her with His Water.
In fact, the whole Song of Solomon is a courtship Dance, an allegory, showing the longing of The Bridegroom for His Bride.
When the young man leaves, the Bride (us, who are waiting for Him to return to us, as the woman in Song of Songs) is following His lead, so we can dance with Him, at the Redemption Wedding.
[ I did hear two words in my ear at end of dream, which I knew in my heart was a personal Word from The LORD to me. But that was not germane to the dream itself. So I omit that here. ]
When woke up, I felt as if the noble and elegant dance of the generations — the courtship for the redeemed soul — by the man, the suitor, Christ, was in its final steps-of-the-courtship dance of the ages.
I had a heavy sense of Father God longing to give His Son, His bride.
The Tzar Shalom — The Prince of Peace — is all royal. He has won the heart of His Queen, the object of His affection, (Song of Solomon 1:4) is the woman in gorgeous velvet emerald forest green, alive, made brand new by His love, resplendent in new beginnings, ready to emerge, and dance with her Redeemer.
Their slow, deliberate dance steps were well-rehearsed through time and knowing one another’s moves.
As in the minuet — grace and precision must match perfectly. The Queen yielded to her partners lead — yet, she was step-in-step with Him.
The yearning of the Queen, by her rustling of her derriere for a moment, and glancing over her shoulder for a moment, to see if he was watching her (he was), she was saying to her King, her Prince, “I’m ready! I’m ready to dance the dance of the ages with you!” (Revelation 19:7-10)
It was the promise of the intimacy that would be forthcoming.
“And The Bride hath made herself ready”. This was the Marriage Dance.
The Dream itself seemed like less than one minute, but there was so much I understood by their look, their posture.
I knew others were in the room, but my eye could only see them. I sensed I was watching The Bride of Christ, in her colors of life, dancing with her Royal Partner.
This Song of Solomon dance, in a Regal, stately way, was filled with yearning and expectancy.
I knew they were both around seventy (70) years of age. Seventy (70) represents a generation, the beginning and a time of completion.
For example, Genesis 10, Exodus 1:1-5, Numbers 11:16, Jeremiah 29:10, Daniel 9:24-27, Luke 10:1, Psalm 90:10.
One more thing. The man in dream was six (6) foot tall (1.8+m). (Six (6) is number of man. They both were mature, about seventy (70) years — but looked far younger. Radiant. Complete, as in 70).
End of Dream Interpretation.
~ Elizabeth Cassutto